In working with HotMic, it's been a true collaborative experience. When we have needs and problems that we wanna solve, HotMic comes to us, listens, and then we ideate in a room together to get to that solution. 

Bennett Spector - EVP, GM Bleacher Report

White label production studio

Give content creators a user-friendly tool to produce cool, shared experiences around your products.

Customize your white label production studio with media, shopping, polls, and more to deliver unique events directly to your apps.

Deliver to any platform

HotMic offers SDKs for easy integration into your apps on all platforms including Web, iOS, and Android.

Live chat

How fun is it to express your thoughts and emotions with other fans?

HotMic provides creators and their community a rich set of tools to express themselves while providing moderation to keep the environment safe.

Polls + contests

Polling is a great way to engage users and create a sense of competition.

Our platform gives creators easy to use tools to poll for opinions or create live event-related contests with leaderboards and prizes.

Guest call in

Want to bring the community in on the conversation?

We offer creators the tools to safely manage requests from guests to join the stream to ask questions or provide their unique take.

Content integration

Ready to offer creators the ability to watch your content with their following?

We connect with your content library to make it easy to pull content into a fully interactive watch party experience.


Looking for ways to monetize your platform?

Create revenue-boosting opportunities through event ticketing, in-app purchases, or ecommerce during your live streams.


Give your sponsors flexible and powerful options that drive more views from users and increase advertising revenue.

HotMic provides tools for overlays, banners, break slates and contest branding.

Watch parties

Looking for a more intimate or VIP watch party experience?

Our SDK provides functionality to create peer-to-peer video interaction on top of your content in a format where everyone has a seat at the table.

Audio-only rooms

Is video a little too much interaction?

HotMic provides an SDK for an audio-only, creator-led experience with chat and dynamic interaction.

Product integration

Give creators an easy resource to promote your products.

HotMic pulls your product catalogue directly into the production studio and empowers creators with the ability to push items directly into their streams.

2nd screen TV sync

Are you creating content around a sporting event or other live TV programming?

Our unique solution seamlessly syncs your stream with any live TV source to provide a spoiler-free experience.

Find out why HotMic is the better option

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